Japan CCS Forum 2022 ‐ English page

Japan CCS Forum 2022

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Thank you very much for many of your participation at the Japan CCS forum 2022 held on December 1, 2022.
All presentations at the forum are available here, and the video recording will also be available soon on this page.
Welcome Message from the organizer
In 2022 we have seen yet another year of significant growth in the deployment of CCS. It is becoming increasingly clear and widely accepted that, without CCS, reaching our shared climate goals is practically impossible.
As governments around the world do the necessary work to map a path to net-zero, CCS continues to arise as a necessary to decarbonisation. Accordingly, governments have strengthened the business case for CCS, implementing a range of policies to incentivise deployment. Companies have embraced these policies and CCS is now being developed on an unprecedented scale. The Institute recently released the Global Status of CCS 2022, highlighting that there are now over 190 facilities in the project pipeline.
While the US and Europe are leading on climate, the recent acceleration of CCS across the Asia Pacific region has been encouraging. For its part, Japan continues to play an important role in regional CCS deployment, convening strategic partnerships, driving the utilisation of clean fuels like hydrogen, and developing new technologies. The development of a long-term CCS roadmap will only further the technology suites adoption.
Although the outlook for CCS has never been more optimistic, global efforts to reduce emissions are still inadequate. Urgent, broad, and large-scale CCS deployment will largely be the product of policy settings that attract private capital.
The Global CCS Institute looks forward to welcoming you to the Japan CCS Forum 2022, where we’ll explore CCS policy and financing.
                                                                                                                                                                  Jarad Daniels
                                                                                                                                                                  Global CCS Institute


<Overview of the forum>
Event: “Japan CCS Forum 2022”
Date: December 1, 2022 (Thu) 10:00~17:00 for the forum and

17:30~19:00 for the Networking reception in Japan standard time

Hosted by: Global CCS Institute (GCCSI)
Supported by: Japan Coal Frontier Organization (JCOAL), Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)、
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) and Japan CCS Co,. Ltd. (JCCS)
Venue: Bel Salle Toranomon, 2F, Sumitomo Fudosan Toranomon Tower, 2-2-1, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo (Access)
Format: Hybrid
Capacity: Up to 100 seats at the venue and 900 online registration at the Forum
Up to 40 persons at Networking Reception → Registration has been closed as we have reached capacity.
Language: English and Japanese, Simultaneous interpretation service is provided at the site and though ZOOM Interpretation function for online participants.
Fee: Free for the Forum and 3,000 JPY for the Networking Reception (local payment)



→ ZOOM Webinar Registration:Link
Main Theme

1. The roles of finance and incentives in accelerating the commercial deployment of CCS

2. Update on the global CCS overview (Global, Middle East, China)


Background and Objectives

There is a growing understanding in many regions of the world that CCS is essential to achieve net-zero targets. This has meant positive momentum and growing support for CCS. More than 130 countries worldwide have set, or are considering, net-zero targets by mid-century, and about 80% of the long-term strategies submitted to the UNFCCC acknowledge the role of CCS.

Due to the enhancement of policy support in the United States and Europe in particular, the investment climate for CCS has significantly improved. Many businesses, regional communities, and financial institutions have set net-zero targets in response to the demands of the public and its shareholders, and governments and industry leaders are aware that the net-zero targets cannot be achieved without incorporating an appropriate proportion of CCS in their GHG emissions reduction targets. Japan is considering the development of a long-term CCS roadmap to achieve its carbon neutrality by 2050 and has set a quantitative target for CCS implementation. Public-private partnerships have been established towards this end.

It is important to stimulate investment and to introduce incentives to promote the commercial deployment of CCS. The recognition of risks and responsibilities based solely on technical solutions may not always coincide with that of private-sector financial institutions and insurance companies. It is crucial for CCS stakeholders to deepen their understanding from different perspectives across the finance sector’s approach toward CCS investment, particularly with regard to investment risk, long-term liability, and investment conditions, and to discuss solutions. The Japan CCS Forum 2022 will further these discussions, focusing on financing and incentives across the whole CCS value chain.


<Agenda in draft>

The recording video will be uploaded to this page after the event.

We share the handout and video recordings which we have obtained permission to disclose from the speaker through this site.



Start Program Distribution
10:00 Openings:
Remarks by Hiroshi Nambo, Branch Representative – Japan, Global CCS Institute CV

《Recording》Openings to Keynote 3


10:05 Keynote 1
Norihiro Saeki
Director for CCUS Policy
The Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)




“Japan’s CCUS policy”


10:25 Keynote 2
Masaaki Oki
Project Manager, Green Innovation Fund Project CO2 Separation and Capture Environment Department,
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization(NEDO)




”Technology Development of CCUS toward Carbon Neutral by NEDO”


10:45 Keynote 3
Shigeru Kimura
New Special Advisor to the President on ERIA
Energy Affairs Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)




“Asia CCUS Network as a Platform of CCS/CCUS Development
and Deployment in Asia Region”

《Recording》Presentation 4 to Presentation 6

11:05 Presentation 4 (Organizer’s speech)
Jarad Daniels
Global CCS Institute




“Global Status of CCS 2022”


11:25 Presentation 5
Dr. Mohammad Abu Zahra
Head of Middle East North Africa Region
Global CCS Institute




Status of CCS in the MENA Region


11:45 Presentation 6
Dr. Xiaoliang Yang
Country Manager China
Global CCS Institute




Status of CCUS Development in China




Lunch break



《Recording》Presentation 7 to Presentation 10


13:00 Presentation 7
Dr. Keigo Akimoto
Chief Researcher
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)




“The role of CCS and the challenges for the large deployments”


13:30  Presentation8
Dr. Sakura Nishioka

Deputy Director
Global Coordination Division
Hydrogen and CCS Project Department
Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)










”JOGMEC’s initiatives for Carbon Capture and Storage 
deployment : For climate change mitigation and energy security”
13:50 Presentation 9
Takashi Morishima
Senior Advisor
International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)




”Trends and activities to develop common standards for Carbon Markets ”


14:10 Presentation 10
Masayuki Kobayashi
Deputy Manager, Commercial Lines Marketing Dept.
Green Transformation Task Force
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (Tokio Marine)




“Risks and Insurance of CCS”




Networking break



《Recording》Panel discussion to Closing remarks



15:00 Panel Discussion
Moderator:Jarad Daniels(CEO, Global CCS Institute)
Short Presentation by Yukimi Nishimura, MUFG Bank CV Presentation
Masaki Nemoto, Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC) CV
Takashi Morishima, IETA
Dr. Sakura Nishioka, JOGMEC
Masayuki Kobayashi, Tokio Marine
Ryo Yamasaki, Mizuho Bank, Ltd. CV
Yukimi Shimura, MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Dr. Mohammad Abu Zahra, GCCSI
Dr. Xiaoliang Yang, GCCSI
17:00 Closing
Open the registration for the Networking Reception.
17:30 Networking Reception (~19:00)



Global CCS Institute Japan OfficeEmail:Japan.Events@gccsi.360southstaging.com


