Japan CCS Forum 2023 – English page

Japan CCS Forum 2023 – English page

Thank you very much for many online and in-person participations at Japan CCS Forum 2024 organized by Global CCS Institute on 15 November 2023.

The video recording and the presentations are now available here.


<Overview of the forum>
Event “Japan CCS Forum 2023”
Date/Time November 15, 2023 (Wed) 10:00~16:30 for the forum and
17:00~18:30 for the Networking reception in Japan standard time
Hosted by Global CCS Institute (GCCSI)
Supported by Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC), Japan Coal Frontier Organization (JCOAL),
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) and Japan CCS Co., Ltd. (JCCS)
Venue Bellesalle Toranomon, 2F, Sumitomo Fudosan Toranomon Tower, 2-2-1, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo (Access)
Format Hybrid (ZOOM Webinar and the event venue)
Capacity Online registration and up to 150 in-person attendance
Up to 50 persons at Networking Reception
Language English and Japanese, Simultaneous interpretation service is provided at the site and though ZOOM Interpretation function for online participants.
Fee Free for the Forum and 4,000 JPY for the Networking Reception (local payment)




<Main Theme>
1. Update on the global CCS overview
2. The role of finance and incentives in accelerating the further development of CCS commercially


<Agenda in draft>

The recording video will be uploaded to this page after the event.

We share the presentation material and video recordings which we have obtained permission to disclose from the speaker through this site.



Start Items CV Presentation













《Recording》 Openings to Presentation 8


Keynote Speech 1

Norihiko Saeki

Director, Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Policy office
Natural Resources and Fuel Department
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
“Japan’s CCS long-term roadmap”


CV Presentation





Keynote Speech 2

Shigekazu Fukunaga

Director General
Environment Department
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
“Technology Development of CCS toward Carbon Neutral by NEDO”


CV   Presentation




Part I “Global CCS Update”

Hiroshi Nambo, Branch Representative – Japan, Global CCS Institute as facilitator


Organization presentation 3 by GCCSI

Jarad Daniels
Chief Executive Officer
Global CCS Institute
“Global Status of CCS 2023”

(Video appearance)


CV Presentation
Presentation 4

Sune Strøm
Minister-Counsellor, Economic Diplomacy – Energy
The Royal Danish Embassy to Japan
“Status on CCS in Denmark”


CV Presentation
Presentation 5

Brad Lingo
Pilot Energy Ltd.
“Cliff Head CO2 Storage Project – Progress in converting mature life offshore oil field to permanent CO2 storage operation”


CV Presentation
Presentation 6

Ken Freeman
Vice President, Policy Development
ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions – Asia Pacific
“Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) : Key Enablers to Deploying CCS in Asia Pacific”


CV Presentation
Presentation 7

Jane Burton
Project Director, The CarbonNet Project,
Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions,
State Government of Victoria, Australia
“The CarbonNet Project: A solution for carbon removal”



CV Presentation
Presentation 8

Celeste Koravos
Decarbonisation and Energy Transition

”Advancements in Australian CCS and the Strategic Partnership with Japan”


CV Presentation










《Recording》 Presentation 9 to Presentation 11


Presentation 9

Anders Lepsøe
Knutsen NYK Carbon Carriers AS
”Knutsen NYK Carbon Carriers – A LCO2 shipping provider with a wholistic CCS value chain approach”


















Presentation 10

Tae Tamura
Managing Director, Head of Natural Resources and Energy Team
Industry Research Department
Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
“The Path for the Development of CCS in Japan”


CV Presentation
Presentation 11

Dr. Filip Neele
Senior Scientist CCS
TNO Energy & Materials Transition
“CCS developments in The Netherlands”



CV Presentation
14:15 Wrap up

Hiroshi Nambo, Global CCS Institute


14:20 Networking break

















《Recording》 Panel Discussion to Closing remarks



Part II
“Panel Discussion: CCS Project and Finance”Christina Staib, Global Finance Sector Lead,Global CCS Institute as facilitator

























Short presentation by Panelist 1

Satoru Tahakashi
Director, General Coordination Division
Director, Hydrogen and CCS Project Department
Japan Organization for Metals and energy Security(JOGMEC)


CV Presentation
Short presentation by Panelist 2

Kentaro Sakaguchi, CFA
Deputy General Manager
Head of Energy & Natural Resources
Project Finance Department
Mizuho Bank, Ltd.


CV Presentation
Short presentation by Panelist 3

Junya Takahashi
Assistant to General Manager
CCUS Team Leader
Energy Innovation Initiative (EII)
Sumitomo Corporation


CV Presentation
Short presentation by Panelist 4

Masao Koyama
Deputy General Manager
Carbon Management Team, EX Task Force
Mitsubishi Corporation


CV Presentation
Short presentation by Panelist 5

Vipul Shetty
Director, Energy Transition
Howden Specialty & Climate Risk and Resilience


CV Presentation


Global CCS Institute Japan OfficeEmail:Japan.Events@gccsi.360southstaging.com


